The square brackets appear after the lmap: mapsProp predicate, meaning that the blank node is the object of that statement. 这些方括号出现在lmap:mapsProp谓词之后,表示空白节点是该命题的宾语。
Each message should have a title ( just like every Drupal node) and a terse statement of140 characters or less. 每条消息应该有一个标题(就像每个Drupal节点一样)和一个不超过140个字符的简洁的句子。
This function takes a starting node and an XPath statement just like getValue and a string to set the value of the matching node to. 此函数采用一个起始节点和一个XPath语句―就像getValue一样―和一个设置匹配节点值的字符串。
FindValue is called by passing in both a node from which to start the search and an XPath statement that specifies the node you're searching for. 通过同时传入要开始搜索的节点和指定要搜索节点的XPath语句来调用findValue。